Psycho Analysis lecture

Posted: Monday, 30 November 2009 | Posted by Adam Townend |

Pyschoanalysis - Relates to behavior
- Way of thinking
Conscious - 'Ego' - Thing you want to show to others
Unconscious - 'Super Ego' (moral and social) lies beneath surface, Our conscience | 'id'- relates to desires (sex, pain, death)

Superego represses id so it can be controlled and used appropriately. Taboo's of society

Trauma - When super ego fails (Ned Flanders)

Moses of Michelangelo - link to design and psychoanalysis - (Freud's analysis) is he about to get up and act or is he about to sit and contemplate his actions.
- representation of intellectual anger that matches subject.

Psychoanalysis and Surrealism - Shows desires in controlled environment

Psychoanalysis and media - a way to fulfill desires in controlled environment - desire to kill or hurt (GTA)
- Freud - desires to hurt stem from secondary death drive

Object relations - Winnicott (1951)
- How we view and use objects
- 'Invest' emotional energy in inanimate object
- Blanket 'Transitional object'

Object relations and advertising - replacing one object for another based on desires.

Abject - part of the body that repulses us. - bodily fluids
- It is the object that transgresses taste.

Psychoanalysis in visual culture - The gaze - Theories and ideas surrounding the power of looking

Laura Mulvey - 'Visual Pleasures and Narrative Cinema' (1975)
- Hollywood film - Men drive the plot and own 'the gaze'
- Even in female cast films - directed by men

Freud Theories - Scopophylia - the pleasure of looking at bodies as objects
- Narcissistic Identification - spectator identifies with male hero in narrative films
- Suture -Looking through eyes of actor without guilt.

Going from 3rd person to 1st person (P.O.V) - We know we haven't physically looked but we take pleasure in looking.

Peep Show - Suture/ Point of view gaze
- When ‘suture’ is broken, the viewer is aware of the power of their own gaze.

Spectators gaze - most common form of gaze.
Intra diagetic gaze – a gaze of one depicted person at another within the image (Dramas, etc. used in shooter video games)
extra diagetic gaze – this is the direct address to the viewer (News programmes)